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Forenübersicht » Elektronische musik! » Eure eigenen Sets / Tracks » Techno: Lokodepo - Force Majeure LP / ARMAB065

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Techno: Lokodepo - Force Majeure LP / ARMAB065
10 Beiträge - Grünschnabel

Third long play from Armatura Records was summoned by Russian producer Lokodepo, a name and style
you maybe are already familiar with from his earlier apperances in some of our back catalogue.

11 tracks to Force Majeure LP are collected during the period where Lokodepo crafted his style, now a
natural evolution of his monotone and repetitive vision. We could say it's also evolved in the sense of crafty
and smart modulations to his synth lines which are presented in these works heavily.

A not for everyone feel to the LP balances between driving noise and philosophical leads, all followed by concrete
rhythm patterns that cut through the sound system with ease, carrying the sonic message of natural calamities
and awareness of the power of our natural surrounding.

Out June 15th 2020. Format: Digital

Preview full LP on Soundcloud: http://shorturl.at/awZ09
Pre-Order LP on Bandcamp: http://shorturl.at/bdgF5

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Beitrag vom 07.06.2020 - 12:46
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 Techno: Lokodepo - Force Majeure LP / ARMAB065
Armatura Records 07.06.2020 - 12:46

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